How to solve the ‘battery failure’ error on my LabelManager?


This article will guide you on how to troubleshoot your LabelManager device.
This error message appears only on devices using rechargeable Li-Ion batteries. The following steps can be tried.


Power cycle and charge your printer.

  1. Remove the Li-ion battery.
  2. Disconnect the power supply.
  3. Clean the silver connectors of the battery with a dry cotton swab.
  4. Press the power button 20 times to discharge the printer.
  5. Put the battery back in the device. Make sure it sits solid in the compartment.
  6. Charge the printer for 3 hours.
  7. Try printing.


Reset the printer.

  1. Turn off the printer.
  2. Disconnect the power supply.
  3. Press at the same time the following button combination: backspace + 9 button + On/Off button
  4. The reset was successful when ‘erase’ appears on the display.
Be aware: the following devices have a different combination:
LabelManager 280: 9 button + On/Off button



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