How do I load the labels on the spool and into the LabelWriter?


Loading the spool in a LabelWriter printer

Pull apart the spool so the part of the spool with the spindle should be in your left hand. With your right hand, pick up the roll of labels and place it near the spool. Carefully slide the roll of labels on the spool, following the white arrow. Push the roll of labels firmly on the spool so that the notches on the base of the spool enter the cardboard core of the labels. There should be no gap between the base of the spool and the roll of labels. With your right hand pick up the other piece of the spool. Carefully slide it down the spindle. Ensure that the notches enter the cardboard core of the labels. The spool should be clamping down tightly on the roll of labels. Place the spool in the LabelWriter. Ensure the labels are justified left.

Below are videos that show how to insert the labels in the printers.


LabelWriter 450 series and older

LabelWriter 450 series and older


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